Teaching my regular classes at the Ross Farnsworth - East Valley YMCA.
Last night’s class was the first of the new year. We went over kata and wrist-grab escapes from kata in the youth class. Then, in the adult class, we spent some time on basics and kata before starting to work on kumite drills (as usual), which is where I diverged onto a tangent about focus.
Several students were dropping their hands, becoming disconnected from their partners, fidgeting with uniforms, or scratching itches and fiddling with their hair during kumite drills.
I explained that how you practice is how you perform. If you let yourself get distracted during practice, you’ll do the same if you ever have to use your skills “for real.” I explained that it’s a question of remembering what’s important. Your itchy nose isn’t the enemy … the enemy is the enemy. Keep your focus. Stay connected. Pay attention. Just like texting while driving, forgetting what’s important and not paying attention can get you seriously hurt, or worse.