Testing for Rank

Your progress in karate is measured with periodic tests, and signified by progressing through a series of colored belts, culminating with a black belt.

When You Can Test

Karate tests are offered at regular intervals for eligible students, but you will not be eligible for every test. As you progress, you will need more and more time between tests. As a beginner, you may be eligible to test after only a few months, but senior black belts go years between tests.

Furthermore, karate tests aren’t like the tests you took in school.

  • In school, everyone in the same class is working on the same material. In karate, everyone trains together, but different students are working on different skills, depending on their level.

  • In school, ready or not, everyone takes the same test on the same day. Karate tests are more like a driving test. You shouldn’t take it unless you (and your instructor) believe you’re ready.

What to Expect on a Test

Your karate test will generally consist of three parts, corresponding to the three major sections of classroom training: kihon (fundamentals), kata (forms), and kumite (sparring).

For your first test, you’ll be asked to perform a few punches and kicks, the first kata, and a prearranged sparring drill with a partner. That’s it. As you progress, tests will become longer and more involved.

Likewise, “colored rank” tests are generally taken in your dojo, and adminstered by your instructor(s). Black belt tests are generally held less frequently, and may involve traveling to a location where a suitable number of examiners are available.

Testing Results

After your test, you’ll be given specific feedback along with your results. Sometimes this happens on the same day as the test, but sometimes you may have to wait a few days to get your results.

If you got the result you wanted, that’s great. If not, that’s okay too. Either way, you plan should be the same - show up to class and do your best.
