
In karate, we sometimes let out a shout called a “kiai”, which has several purposes:

  • It shows good spirit and helps “psyche” yourself up.
  • It can distract or discourage an opponent or attacker.
  • It contracts the abdominal muscles, tying the body together.

A kiai is a technique, just like a punch and a kick, and is sometimes required. Forgetting or refusing to kiai when required is a mistake, just as serious as forgetting or refusing to block. It’s an important part of karate training.

When to Kiai

Each kata has one or more defined kiai points where a kiai is required. Your instructor may also ask you to kiai during certain drills. Otherwise, and unless you’re specifically asked not to kiai, it’s up to you.

How to Kiai

A kiai should be a short, sharp, one-syllable yell. The goal is maximum volume with minimum length. The kiai should come from the chest, not the throat, so it should not be a shriek or scream - it should be a shout.

Most importantly, do not actually say the word “kiai” when you kiai. Instead, it’s best to shout “HA!” or “HOT!” … just not “kiai.”
