

The following is a running glossary of Japanese terms you may find helpful. If you’d like to see something added, just ask.


I’ve put together a set of flashcards over on Use them to help you learn the vocabulary we use in class.

Blocking Techniques

The Japanese word for “block” is “uke” (which really means something closer to “receive.”)

Japanese English
age uke rising block
gedan barai downward block
soto uke (or soto ude uke) outside block
uke block. receive, or receiver

Punching/Striking Techniques

The Japanese word for punch is “tsuki” (which really means “thrust”), but it often becomes “zuki” when it comes after another word. (e.g. oi zuki)

Japanese English
choku zuki straight punch (typically in place)
oi zuki lunge punch
tsuki punch or thrust
uchi strike

Kicking & Other Leg Techniques

The Japanese word for “kick” is “keri”, which often becomes “geri” when it comes after another word. In fact “geri”, by itself, means something completely different.

Japanese English
keri kick
mae geri keage front snap kick


The Japanese word for “stance” is “tachi”, which often becomes “dachi” when it comes after another word. (e.g. zenkutsu dachi) Likewise, the Japanese word for posture is “kamae”, which often becomes “gamae” when it comes after another word. (e.g. manji gamae)

Japanese English
tachi stance
kamae posture
kiba dachi “horse riding” stance
kokutsu dachi back stance
zenkutsu dachi front stance

Body Parts

These are parts or regions of the body.

Japanese English
ashi leg
chudan middle level (shoulders to waist)
gedan lower level (waist down)
jodan upper level (shoulders up)
ude forearm


These things have to do with rank.

Japanese English
dan black belt rank
kyu ranks below black belt
mudansha someone without a black belt
yudansha someone with a black belt


These are commands you’ll hear in class, or as part of opening/closing class.

Japanese English
mokuso meditate
naore return to ready position (after kata)
otagai ni rei bow to each other
rei bow
seiretsu line up
seiza kneel down
sempai ni rei bow to your seniors
sensei ni rei bow to the instructor
shomen ni rei bow to the front
yame stop (but don’t relax)
yasume relax


These things don’t really fit in elsewhere.

Japanese English
gi uniform
kata form or pattern
kiai A short, sharp yell
kihon basics or fundamentals
kumite sparring
obi belt